The 33rd MLSP Workshop plans to hold an attractive Industry Program including Presentations, Demos and Exhibits. We warmly invite industry communities to submit their proposals.
Industry Presentation Proposals
Industry Presentation emphasizes on recent topics of technical and business issues in machine learning for signal processing that could be of particular interests to the MLSP research and industrial communities. Industry Presentation proposals must contain the following information:
- Title of the presentation
- Length of the presentation (15 minutes to 30 minutes)
- Name, affiliation, and contact information of the speaker
- Motivation and scope of the presentation
- Requirements or (pre-)level of audiences/attendees
- If appropriate, a description of past industry presentations organized by the proposer, including the number of attendees, etc.
- Biography of the presenter
Proposals can be submitted as a single PDF file to the Industry Program Chair, Che Lin, via the following email address:, using denoting “Proposal of MLSP Industry Presentation” as email subject.
Important Dates
- May 26, June 26, 2023: Proposal Submission Deadline
- July 3, 2023: Proposal Acceptance Notification
Industry Demo Proposals
Industry Demo includes demonstrations of innovations that have practical industrial applications, done by research and engineering groups in industry, academia and governmental institutes. Industry Demo proposals must contain the following information:
- Title of the demo.
- Authors and affiliations.
- Abstract (up to 2,000 characters) with a description of the demo, highlighting its novelty.
Proposals can be submitted as a single PDF file to the Industry Program Chair, Subhro Das, via the following email address:, using denoting “Proposal of MLSP Industry Demo” as email subject.
Important Dates
- May 26, June 26, 2023: Proposal Submission Deadline
- July 3, 2023: Proposal Acceptance Notification